Goals 2023 with xTiles

Visualize your year…with xTiles

This is the perfect time of the year to sit down with yourself and look at the year passing by and also plan for the upcoming.
If you are someone like me, who is passionate about exploring things like writing, reading, technology tools, ideas, etc. then xTiles is the best place to build and visualize your 2023.
This is me, and my resolutions:
- 50 books to read
- 100 good habits to build
- Write a novel
- Publish first poetry book 📕
- Learn a language
- Learn JavaScript & basics of UI/UX designing
- Many more…
All of the above are from my yearly planning page for 2022 and may be 2021 too.
And I am about to make the same mistake this week as well, but instead of falling into the same trap 🪤
I am thinking 💭 to use my whiteboard xTiles to think clearly and plan, a better 2023.
Some of the key understandings:
Follow your instinct, what you love to do, love spending time on, and what motivates, you, and look at the bigger picture. But start with the hour of today, not tomorrow, next week, or next month.
Don’t be a victim of influencers’ advice, for example; I dream of learning how to code. I love good designs, and good UI/UX and that makes me think to learn UI/UX design as well.
These are not bad things, but by planning so many things we spend more time doing nothing than actually working on a few things.
We tend to do, what we see people doing, they make us believe that just thinking about it, researching, taking notes, and planning about it is enough, but it is not. Instead, a single action taken has more value.
Experience is the key and because I made these mistakes and realize, I might be able to do better in 2023.
With this in mind, let’s see how is my basic planning looks like for 2023 with xTiles.
I have decided to work on 2 basic things
1. Health & Writing
& 2 supporting actions this year.
2. Meditation & Reading
Instead of planning to improve on all aspects of life and be a victim of self-improvement, I am considering giving 100 minutes of the day to the things that matter the most to me.

I am a writer by heart and love apps and tech a lot, and looking forward to keep writing about it. What I experienced and understand in 2022 is writing is more about discipline than about inspiration.
Build a routine, a simple system and you can deliver more than you think.

My idea about writing daily includes a variety of topics:
- App reviews
- E-book, product guides
- Newsletter
- Poetry
- My first Novel
Yes, the list is long enough.
A big part of what am I today is because of my simple love of reading.
I enjoy reading but because we are grown up now and committed to so many personal and professional tasks we end up losing on something that is truly important to us.
For me, it is reading.
One of the understandings after reading a lot many books is to read only a couple of good books per year. do not plan to read a book every week that kind of commitment will make it a task and I have enough of it on my list.
I am planning to read 6 to 10 books this year.

This was the most underrated priority for me and that realization came in 2022 only, yes very recently.
But now this tops the list of priority and I will make sure to follow thru 2023 with this one among all.
The idea is to be the best version of myself in 2023 in both aspects — Physically and Mentally.

The idea is to build a simple system, a simple framework that one can follow easily and build a personal productivity system with any apps or tools available.
Thanks, Team xTiles for providing a canvas for my thoughts.

Thanks for reading.
Keep reading, keep sharing.
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