3 min read

Experimenting, Amie — as a task manager

Simplify your life — with Amie.so
Experimenting, Amie — as a task manager
Image courtesy Amie.so

Simplify your life — with Amie.so

How good a calendar app can be?

Imagine this scenario: someone keeps updating, arranging, and planning things to do in his task manager and spends too much time in prioritizing, labeling, and assigning the tasks instead of actually doing them.

And that someone is ME.

I am stuck with constant juggling between actual work and planning for work inside my task manager.

I am doing that, or to say. I was doing and to my surprise, I kind of liked it but that’s not how you be better at personal productivity and so I have decided not to use any of the task management apps, instead, I found a better solution.

I found a ray of hope, which supports my commitment and thinking of only prioritizing 3 tasks for the day and scheduling it inside your calendar and the rest things will follow.

Instead of doing this rigorously, I try to accommodate things that are never on my list, and end of the day actual schedule suffers the loss.

To do this without any excuses, I am going away from my standard task manager — Todoist, and all the supporting and amazing apps for a time being like Mem.ai, and Craft.do.

Amie.so, I am in love with this app, and I am moving out of my task manager completely.

But why Amie.so?

We tend to believe that our task manager can work and serve the need of our project management app and to avoid the same trap, I am moving to a Calendar based to-do list which helps me prioritize my days, weeks, and key projects.

My idea of task management is very simple.

It is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Tasks — specific to projects
  2. Tasks — based on a timeline

Let’s see my list inside Amie.so

This week:

Image courtesy Author

Blog post

Image courtesy Author

Priorities Q4

Image from Author

Top Projects

Image from Author

The best widget on iOS

Image from Author
Not only you can view your top projects but you can select which list to show here. Simply amazing.

Amie.so — simplifies my task management and with Amie.so, I can schedule my priorities, and my to-do without moving out.

The team of Amie.so is also focused on providing the best of experience and working towards providing a better to-do experience.

Together, let’s cheer for them.

Explore, Amie.so — It will surely help you prioritize well.

Thanks for reading.

Keep reading, Keep sharing.
