Can you recommend 2 books to me?

a strange request and recent discussion. Here is my recommendations.
I read, not a lot now but I can surely be in the minority of the people who read a lot. And once you are known as a reader people tend to understand your preferences and recommendation.
However I am blessed and so far no one is interested enough in my reading preferences till date, but recently out of the blue the topic of books came in light and one of the close friend has asked for what to read?
The general inquiry turned into a detailed thought in my mind and I decided to recommend him 2 of my all time favorite book, the feeling is like revealing life’s secret as books you read tells a lot about you.
So here’s is my 2 books that if I have to choose to read and only read 2 books in my lifetime I will choose these 2:
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
I am truly in love with this book. Every time I read it gave a whole new meaning to life.
This book takes you thru the journey of a learned, a wanderer, a seeker boy’s dealing with meaning of life.
Whenever I read;
the dialogue between Siddhartha and Buddha; the enlightened one.
”O Illustrious One, that nobody finds salvation through teachings. To nobody, O Illustrious One, can you communicate in words and teachings, what happened to you in the hour of your enlightenment. The teachings of the enlightened Buddha embrace much, they teach much — how to live righteously, how to avoid evil. But there is one thing that this clear, worthy instruction does not contain; it does not contain the secret of what the Illustrious One himself experienced.
That is why I am going on my way — not to seek another and better doctrine, for I know there is none, but to leave all doctrines and all teachers and to reach my goal alone or die.”
I feel the piece, calmness and bliss — it almost feels like living thru words and I also travels together with Siddhartha to the river bank.
Hsin Hsin Ming by Seng-ts’an as known Sosan
A Chinese Zen short book — This book is an answer to my ultimate inquiry and understanding of purpose of this journey called Life.
I have no idea about this book until the most contradictory philosopher and mystic of the 20th Century ‘Osho’ has listed this book in his reading list and I read it and still reading it many times a year.
This book is like a poetry — a poetry called non-dualism or ‘Advaita’ where there is no differences only ‘existence’ is the core meaning.
First verse of the book as it says:
The Great Way is not difficult,
for those who have no preferences.
Let go of longing and aversion,
and it reveals itself.
Make the smallest distinction, however,
and you are as far from it as heaven is from earth.
If you want to realize the truth,
then hold no opinions for or against anything.
& As the last verse says:
The Way is beyond language,
Words never could, can not now, and never will describe the Way
Reading has made me I am what I am today and will be in tomorrow. Books that I read has changed my thinking, understanding, views and meaning to the life and I wish you all the same.
Before I conclude, you are also invited to recommend 2 books from your library. I will surely read it.
Thank you for reading.
Keep reading, keep sharing.
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