Traversing the Timeless Journey of 2023 Together:

As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome a brand new year, it's time to pause, reflect, and take a retrospective glance at the year that has passed. Like every individual, my journey through this year has been a unique one, intertwined with an array of experiences, learning curves, and experiments. Anchored in my passion for writing, technology, and philosophy, my narrative of 2023 presents a unique blend of personal and professional growth.

Unraveling the Tapestry of 2023:

Key Events and Milestones: The year 2023 has been a transformative year for me, marked by a series of significant milestones and key events. Let's take a detailed walkthrough of this memorable journey:

Writing and Publishing:

The Power of Words: One of the crowning achievements of this year has been reaching the 100th blog post mark on Medium. Writing has always been more than just a hobby for me – it's a medium of self-expression, a platform to share my thoughts, ideas, and views. Hitting this milestone was a gratifying experience, a testament to my dedication and commitment to my craft.

In addition to my blog, I also ventured into the world of newsletters. I launched my own newsletter on Ghost called 'The App Advocate', a platform dedicated to sharing insights and updates from the world of technology, apps, and productivity tools.

A Journey of Self-Improvement:

Learning and Growing:2023 marked the beginning of a new journey for me – a journey of self-improvement. I started journaling under the banner 'write your day', recording 79 atomic expressions so far. The practice has been enlightening, providing a deeper understanding of my thoughts and experiences.

The year also saw me embark on a new learning endeavor – mastering German. I've completed 99 consecutive days on Duolingo, and the journey has been nothing short of exciting. Learning a new language has always fascinated me, and this venture has been a rewarding challenge.

Health and Fitness:

A Commitment to Well-being: This year, I made a significant change in my routine by incorporating regular workouts into my schedule. Committing to exercise five days a week, I have been consistent in maintaining this regimen. The focus wasn't just on physical health, but also on mental well-being, striking a balance between the two.

Technological Endeavors:

Exploring New Horizons: On the technology front, I made a significant shift from iOS to Pixel 7. The transition was driven by a desire to experiment with different technological ecosystems and explore new horizons.

I also began working with two major apps – Brite and The Sukha Co. Both these apps have become integral parts of my workflow, significantly enhancing my productivity and work efficiency.

Reading: A Gateway to New Perspectives:

I delved into a diverse range of books this year, including 'The Shiva Sutras', 'The Art of Possibility', 'The Essentials (HBR)', 'Ikigai', 'The Way of Zen', 'Building A Second Brain', and 'Touching Peace'. Each book offered unique insights and perspectives, contributing to my personal and professional growth.

Connecting with People: Building Bridges:A significant aspect of 2023 was my active engagement with the X platform. It served as a bridge, connecting me with like-minded individuals and fostering insightful discussions.

Looking Ahead:

Plans for 2024: As we step into 2024, I am committed to continuing my journey of growth. I plan to write more in-depth articles and case studies about personal productivity apps, build a robust newsletter, and actively engage on the X platform. I also aim to learn more about leveraging writing skills to build an income stream and delve deeper into Tana.

You can support my writing by:

I am grateful to those who have inspired, motivated, and supported me throughout this journey. Their inspiring words, articles, and posts have been a source of strength and motivation. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to,

  • Eve Arnold @writes_eve,
  • Ev Chapman @evielync,
  • Nicolas Cole @Nicolascole77,
  • Jon Brosio @jonbrosio,
  • Alex Mathers @Alexmathers84,
  • Sourabh @TheOvermanEthos,
  • Adi Verma @adityatheverma, and
  • Neeramitra Reddy @neeramitra

for sharing their stories and being a part of my journey.

Thanks for sharing.

Keep reading, keep sharing.
