4 min read

A Joyful Calendar Experience — Amie

Amie — Calendar, Schedule, To-do & Personal CRM at your fingertips.
A Joyful Calendar Experience — Amie
Image courtesy Amie.so

Amie — Calendar, Schedule, To-do & Personal CRM at your fingertips.

Lately, I am taking calendar pretty seriously.

Reason — I want to be more productive and mindful.

Being said that, I have limited experience of using 3rd party Calendar apps; happen to use Fantastical and Calendars 5 for some time and that was pleasant yet incomplete experience. I am limited with iPhone & iPad usage for my personal things and my main work screen is Windows laptop and hence the experience was not complete.

After this initial affair with 2 of the best Calendar apps from iOS universe, I have finally settled on the proven one — Google Calendar as my primary planner.

Here I am with Amie

Amie — Joyful Productivity

what a tagline; by far the best in recent time for any productivity app.

here’s the launch video:

Video courtesy YouTube & Amie

as rightly said: If it is not on my calendar, I am not going to do it.

Amie is four products in one app as announced in the Beta launch:

  1. Calendar
  2. To-do
  3. Schedule
  4. Personal CRM

Amie is in beta and invite only and I got to use the app for more than a week now and a simple observation of myself is:

If I am using the app daily, it’s for me.

Amie is surely for me.

Let’s see what are the features I am enjoying:

Frictionless, fluid & clean calendar experience:

Whether we agree and accept it or not but working on a single task is becoming rare now a days.

with multi tasking, attention seeking and breaking environment, it is really difficult to be on top of your priorities, just a notification on your screen and you are gone from the task on your hand.

Working from your calendar is the call of the time and it helps’.

from my own experience — That’s the way out.

Amie offer a joyful calendar experience with fluid, intuitive and faster UI experience with pleasing aesthetics.

A Brief Example of Amie:

Image courtesy Author
Image courtesy Author

Navigation thru Amie Sidebar Menu offers:

  • Week at glance, you can view your day, 3 day, 5 day or a week.
  • To-do list
  • Contacts

Core task of the Calendar is to help you plan better and Scheduling with Amie is a pleasant and fast experience.

A brief example of scheduling with Amie:

Image courtesy Author

Image courtesy Author

With a few clicks and you can ‘schedule’ the next important meeting with your team.

Events can be colour coded for example:

I am using Orange for customer visit and Blue for offline or online team meeting and Yellow for my reports and reviews.

This can give you an overview of your week & time spends on the important things.

Making simple things is becoming really difficult.

Task management with Amie is just simple and the idea of 3 inbuilt options:

  1. Priorities
  2. This week
  3. Today

This is exactly how I wanted to execute my to-do’s inside a Calendar.

A few examples of task management in Amie

Image courtesy Author

Image courtesy Author

Image courtesy Author

Image courtesy Author

Not only that;

  • You can add new list based on your key area or project;
  • also all your completed tasks can be hidden nicely.
  • you can collapse or expand the to-do so that your calendar view looks clean, a subtle but very thoughtful design.

I am a fan of note-taking and always enjoys quick capture and the idea of personal CRM inside your calendar is brilliant.

Brief details about the person, build in reminder for next meeting plan can be really handy at times.

And as promised, you won’t miss any birthday of any one close to your heart with Amie.

A few examples of Personal CRM in Amie

Image courtesy Author

Image courtesy Author

Amie experience on the iPhone is also very fluid and intuitive, still the app is in Beta.

Here’s a few examples:

Image courtesy Author designed on Canva

Image courtesy Author designed on Canva

Amie is currently available on Web and iOS — Invite only and promised to come to android soon.

You can join the waitlist here:


I am looking forward to working from my Calendar only & Amie will surely support my journey for a long long-time.

Thank you for reading.

Keep reading, keep sharing.
